Jeremy Camp the Storys Not Over Album Review

Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Jeremy Camp is back with new music! His highly-anticipated new album The Story'southward Non Over is prepare to driblet on September 20th. The album is available for pre-order now with instant downloads of several pre-released tracks. Camp wrapped the Hits Deep Tour with TobyMac this jump and has been heavily involved with the biopic characteristic film about his life, I Still Believe, which chronicles Campsite's personal story of dear, loss and faith. Recently, Jeremy took some time to share a little about his heart behind the creation ofThe Story'southward Non Over.

Congratulations on the upcoming release of The Story's Not Over! What does it mean for you lot to exist so close to release mean solar day?
Thank you! SO excited this calendar week! In that location is ever and so much piece of work behind the scenes with and then many people working so difficult to aid go these songs out to people. It's very humbling that I get to practice what I get to do and take and then many people believing in it. I never have this for granted!

How long was this project in the making? When did you first accept the vision for this album?
Nosotros started working on this album Summertime of 2018. I think the vision for this album started taking shape a trivial bit in early 2018. I feel like I am constantly writing in my head, and when a lyric or tune pops in my head, I sing it into my phone so I don't forget information technology. Could exist on a aeroplane, in the heart of the night, only sitting in silence in the forenoon, etc. Then there comes a time when you kind of plot and program and go, 'okay we are going into the studio and going to showtime piecing this together and see what comes out of all of it.'

Can you share a little about the pregnant behind the album's title and how it is a reflection of the whole project?
The title, 'The Story'south Not Over,' very just came from a place on my own walk through life back to when I lost my first wife to cancer, to my younger brother being born with Down syndrome and my married woman Adie having a miscarriage and a battle with feet that literally put me on the floor of my house for a week. I know that on this journeying in life, when you lot are praying and seeking what God has planned for you and your ain life, that the story of your life is NEVER over. It is always existence shaped and continually molded past God for y'all to be living the Best life that God has planned. That is where the title came from, and what the album represents as a whole; a story of hope and redemption for all of our lives through Jesus.

What is one key bulletin that you hope listeners take abroad from this album every bit a whole?
That in all of our own individual stories, unique to only u.s. and no one else, God wants to apply us for HIS kingdom everyday! No matter where you are in life, the highest highs or lowest lows, God will always apply you if yous are seeking him, considering HE is good in all things!


Which track are you almost looking forward to sharing and why?
There is a track called "Begetter" on this album that nosotros wrote in 2 hours, or something similar that. It is 1 of the more raw and emotional songs that I take written in a while. There is a lyric that says, "I find myself on a verge of a breakdown, then you hold me in your hands, remind me who You are and who I am." The vocal goes on to talk virtually God beingness our Father and how He loves united states no matter what! I absolutely love this song. It came out of a deep place for me.

Who or what were some of your biggest inspirations, spiritually and musically, in developing this collection of songs?
My family unit and I recently moved out of Nashville literally to the desert. Nosotros felt in this new season we were walking into nosotros needed to become to a place of rest. We absolutely love Nashville but knew without a incertitude God was moving us. Funny enough, the desert analogy came into play throughout the entire album. The cover and videos were shot in the desert, and it only has that theme of God stripping away the old and creating the new, and a desert seems to be that for us. I and then dearest being out in the desert and dearest where we live. Feels like God is all over this flavor which creates such peace for our family! That was the real inspiration for all these songs.

Success can exist defined in many ways. What is your definition of success for The Story's Not Over?
I call back for this album, honestly, its that I was obedient. I experience with what God was doing in me and through me in creating these songs wasn't over thought–I wasn't writing for anything in particular. This album is a lot unlike musically for me. Afterward doing this for 18 years at present, y'all are always wanting to create something new and hopefully fresh, and I am loving what we did on this album.

What do you have lined upwards for the residuum of the twelvemonth after this release?
Well, the album is just the start in this new flavor. We have a couple books coming out before March of adjacent year, and so we take a pic that was fabricated on my life, I Yet BELIEVE, releasing by Lionsgate and the Erwin brothers (the directors for I Tin Just IMAGINE) on March 20, 2020. SUPER excited most all of this. Just saw the motion-picture show the other dark and it is a surreal feel. It is kind of weird honestly to see all these actors play a story of your entire life. KJ Appa, Britt Robertson, Shania Twain, and Gary Sinise are just some of the actors, which is crazy! Pretty excited about this next couple years!


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